⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ NAVITIMEナビタイム is the official app of Japan's largest navigation service used by over 51 million people. It offers various features to assist you in your travels, including maps, transit information, timetables, walking directions, and traffic conditions. With NAVITIME, you can easily search for facilities, nearby spots, coupons, and even make hotel reservations. The app also provides detailed weather forecasts and real-time rain radar. One of the standout features is the ability to customize the app with popular characters and trendy themes. Additionally, you can take a screenshot of your route without any shutter sound, making it convenient to share navigation results in quiet places like trains. The app also offers shortcuts and widgets for quick access to maps and weather information on your home screen. If you want even more premium features, there is a subscription option available, which includes total navigation, indoor route guidance, voice navigation, AR navigation, train operation information, and detailed weather forecasts. Overall, NAVITIMEナビタイム is a comprehensive navigation app that covers all your travel needs in Japan. 🗺️🚆🌞🌧️📲💼
🗺️乗換案内 - provides detailed transit information including time, fare, and platform numbers.
🔍時刻表検索 - allows you to view timetables for various modes of transportation.
🔎施設・周辺スポット検索 - helps you find facilities and nearby spots using keywords, addresses, or categories.
💰クーポン検索・ホテル予約 - easily search for gourmet coupons and make hotel reservations.
📍現在地周辺の地図 - view the latest maps and even enable 3D display for a richer experience.
🌧️直近の雨雲レーダー - check the rain radar to see the current and upcoming rainfall in your area.
✅Wide range of features for free.
✅Accurate transit information with detailed options.
✅Comprehensive search capabilities for facilities and spots.
✅Convenient customization with popular characters and themes.
✅Ability to take silent route screenshots.
❌Premium features require a subscription.
❌Some features may be limited to specific areas in Japan.